Latest Harvard University topics - College Confidential Forums
This is the official thread for those applying REA to Harvard University. List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into? Ask your questions, the CC …
Harvard Class of 2029 Official Thread - Harvard University
Dec 15, 2024 · My son had a very positive Harvard interview with an ultra successful attorney/prosecutor, who spent 4 years undergraduate and 4 years law school. Every thing …
How big of a role do interviews play in Harvard admissions?
Nov 10, 2024 · On the one hand, Harvard definitely took it seriously, and a bad interview report could in fact knock someone out of contention. On the other hand, so many otherwise …
…what are people actually like at Harvard? : r/Harvard - Reddit
Mar 11, 2023 · Didn't attend Harvard for undergrad (but went to a similar school filled with similar people), so YMMV. With the exception of small, liberal arts colleges where random chance of …
Just had my Harvard interview - here's what I learned: - Reddit
Nov 15, 2022 · Of course, I can only speak for my personal experience, but Harvard interviews should be relatively standard because alumni undergo training. With that in mind, interviews …
I completed every one of Harvard's CS50 courses. Here's a mini
Harvard takes great students and gives them material to learn from. There's a fallacy where some students think if they could somehow get admission to Harvard, then Harvard would make …
Interesting Statistics and Info Regarding Harvard Admissions (NOT ...
Being "well-rounded" to a point where Harvard truly cares is arguably even harder than achieving a 1 in one category -- those who are considered "multi-dimensional" by Harvard are still …
Name for Harvard students? - College Confidential Forums
Apr 29, 2010 · <p>I’ve heard people from Harvard use “Harvardians”. At Yale, “Cantabs” was sometimes used, but it was sort of sports-writer talk, not general conversation, like referring to …
How are Harvard parties? : r/Harvard - Reddit
Apr 26, 2021 · Official Harvard Parties - these are the official parties, usually in house d-halls. They are nice because everyone is welcome. But they are less “cool” because....well, …
Would you pick Harvard or MIT? : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
Harvard I’m a CS major having the Harvard name will help a shit ton with getting internships and positions and I don’t have to deal with the MIT workload. Obviously MIT is better for CS and …