Morganna Lambeth - Department of Philosophy | CSUF
Most of my current research asks how bias interacts with our interpretation of texts. On the one hand, I consider how we should interpret philosophers (like Kant) who incorporate prejudices into their philosophical works; how do these prejudices sit with their more widely embraced philosophical views?
As of August 2023, I will be an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at Cal State Fullerton. I specialize in German philosophy, especially that of Martin Heidegger and Immanuel Kant. My research considers how to interpret texts in the history of philosophy, focusing on Heidegger's method of interpreting Kant.
Lambeth 1 Morganna F. Lambeth Department of Philosophy Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098 [email protected] 773-682-2320 Current Position 2018-2021 Purdue University, Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy and Cornerstone Fall 2018 Instruction: PHIL 111: Ethics (2 x 35 students)
Morganna Lambeth at Purdue University - Rate My Professors
Morganna Lambeth is a professor in the English department at Purdue University - West Lafayette - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Morganna Lambeth (California State University, Fullerton
Morganna Lambeth is an assistant professor at California State University, Fullerton, Department of Philosophy. They are interested in History of Western Philosophy, Hermeneutics, German Idealism, 20th Century German Philosophy, Martin Heidegger, Immanuel Kant, Kant: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Kant: Aesthetics, and Kant: Critique of Pure Reason.
Morganna Lambeth | California State University, Fullerton
Lambeth traces Heidegger’s interpretive method across his reading of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and situates Heidegger’s reconstruction of Kant’s best line of argument against other post-Kantian readings. She finally shows how Heidegger’s deep engagement with Kant sheds light on Heidegger’s own philosophical views.
Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant: The Violence and the Charity
Jun 15, 2023 · In this book, Morganna Lambeth provides a new account of Heidegger's method of interpreting Kant, arguing that it is more promising than is typically recognized. On her account, Heidegger thinks that Kant's greatest insights are located in moments of tension, where Kant struggles to articulate something new about his subject-matter.
- Author: Morganna Lambeth
Morganna Lambeth (Purdue University) - PhilPeople
Morganna Lambeth is a post-doctoral fellow at Purdue University, Department of Philosophy. Follow them to stay up to date with their professional activities in philosophy, and browse their publications such as "Reconsidering Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism" and "A Tale of Two Faculties: Heidegger's Method of Interpreting Kant".
Lambeth traces Heidegger’s interpretive method across his reading of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and situates Heidegger’s reconstruction of Kant’s best line of argument against other post-Kantian readings. She finally shows how Heidegger’s deep engagement with Kant sheds light on Heidegger’s own philosophical views.
I graduated from Northwestern University with a Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2018. I received an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of California at Riverside, and a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Chicago. View my full CV here.
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