Bill Byrge, who was best known for appearing in the series of “Ernest” movies, has died at 92. His cousin, Sharon Chapman, announced the news on her Facebook page on Thursday. “My cousin ...
The actor's death was confirmed to TMZ by his cousin Sharon Chapman. She told the outlet that Bill died at his Nashville home in Tennessee on Thursday, January 9. The cause of death has not been ...
"Billy just had this way about him and you obviously noticed him automatically no matter where he was at," Bill Byrge's cousin Sharon Chapman tells PEOPLE Bill Byrge, an actor best known for his ...
"He was a beautiful soul who made people laugh without even trying," his cousin, Sharon Chapman, wrote on Facebook. Bill Byrge, best known for playing Ernest's neighbor Bobby in several of the ...
Byrge’s cousin, Sharon Chapman, confirmed his death in a Facebook post. “My cousin, Bill Byrge, passed away in the Nashville area today at 12pm. He was a beautiful soul who made people laugh ...
His cousin, Sharon Chapman, announced the news on her Facebook page on Thursday. “My cousin, Bill Byrge, passed away in the Nashville area today at 12pm. He was a beautiful soul who made people ...