Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor will be playing the lead role in the highly-anticipated Dhoom 4. Now, as per sources, makers are looking to cast a popular South star as the villain.
Stay updated with whats happening in the entertainment world with this segment. Vicky Kaushal is rumoured to reunite once ...
Vicky Kaushal and Aditya Chopra are reportedly in talks for two major projects, with Vicky potentially landing a lead role in ...
Speculation around the cast of Yash Raj Films' highly anticipated thriller 'Dhoom 4' is heating up, with the latest rumors ...
Actor Vicky Kaushal is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film Love and War, co-starring Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor's upcoming film Dhoom 4 has been generating immense buzz, with fans eagerly awaiting updates on the project.