A vivid new image is taking shape in the world of cell biology: Imagine bacteria adhering to the surface of a cell, perhaps at the site of an injury or wound.
The commensal bacteria or microbiota on our skin is thought to contribute to host health, protecting the host against a range of infections, including wound healing and anti-cancer properties. In this ...
A study published in Nature Communications has revealed novel insights into bacterial resistance and offers a promising ...
Feb. 26, 2025 — Researchers investigating the role of the protein CD44 in obesity and metabolic health found that CD44-deficient mice stayed lean even on a high-fat diet, while the control mice ...
Supercomputer simulations have revealed how changes in the shape of the HIV-1 capsid protein may help the virus squeeze its inner core into the host cell's nuclear membrane. The findings, by a ...
Some bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics than others, with so-called gram-negative bacteria ... MacAB-TolC -- that spans the cell's inner and outer membranes, as well as the periplasm ...
Affecting about 6 million Americans, OLP is a chronic inflammatory condition that targets mucous membranes in the mouth, which can cause pain and make eating, drinking, and even speaking ...
1Laboratory of Signaling and Gene Regulation, Cecil H. and Ida Green Center for Reproductive Biology Sciences, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. 2Section of Laboratory ...
These include some obvious mechanical activities such as endocytosis, cell motility and membrane resealing, but also others, such as replication and transcription. Taking the motor proteins as an ...
Our study demonstrates the detrimental role of reactive resident macro-phages in surgery-induced gut inflammation and the resulting enteric neurodegeneration with synaptic decay and neuronal cell ...