Planning Commission members delayed the decision on Fire Station 94 in downtown Brentwood as they needed more information ...
5-2 vote sends a clear message that the city won't reward landlords for keeping affordable housing off the market.
The Summit County Council has appointed four new planning commissioners to boards that control local land use.
The Mt. Juliet Planning Commission gave positive recommendations to the preliminary plan, its associated land use plan amendment and annexation of a portion of the property into t ...
The Chico Planning Commission regularly meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at 421 Main St. Meetings ...
Recap of recent Hanover County Planning Commission meeting decisions on landfill expansion, capital improvements program, subdivision agreement, rezoning requests and upcoming meeting schedule. #Hanov ...
Scott Lewis’ retirement from Orange’s Planning and Zoning Commission/Architectural Board of Review was short-lived. On ...
Four new planning commissioners were selected to review and make recommendations on land use, zoning and conditional use decisions.
The Maui Planning Commission may have a final vote on a proposed 650-acre development in Wailea when it convenes Tuesday ...
The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to reverse a decision by city planning staff to reject a site plan for a 142-unit student-oriented development at 2610 Hume Place, on appeal from ...
The St. Paul Zoning Committee's agenda details forthcoming city landscape changes, including rezoning and new public works.
A tenant space located at the cross section of Pyramid and Holman way is the subject site for a conditional use permit.