Actor Anil Kapoor, who was recently seen in ‘Fighter’ is celebrating the 44th anniversary of ‘Hum Paanch’, a significant film ...
Anil Kapoor has been associated with the Indian film industry for decades. In his career spanning decades, the National Award ...
On Thursday, Anil posted a picture on Instagram Story and wrote, "It's been 44 years since the release of Hum Paanch! A film close to my heart, as I had the honor of being the casting director for ...
Hum Paanch was an Indian sitcom that first aired in 1995. It ran for four years until 1999. The series returned for a second season in 2005 and ran until mid-2006. The series is regarded as one of ...
(MENAFN- IANS) Mumbai, Jan 9 (IANS) actor Anil Kapoor, who was recently seen in 'Fighter' is celebrating the 44th anniversary of 'Hum Paanch', a significant film in the history of the Indian film ...