They were among thousands of white-collar, remote workers who migrated to the St. Augustine area in recent years, ...
Centuries before becoming a remote work hub, the St. Augustine area was claimed by the Spanish crown in the early ... moving the northeast Florida county into the top ranks of U.S. counties ...
Thousands of white-collar, remote workers have moved to the St. Augustine, Florida, area in the 2020s ... the St. Augustine area was claimed by the Spanish crown in the early 16th century after ...
Centuries before becoming a remote work hub, the St. Augustine area was claimed by the Spanish crown in the early ... moving the northeast Florida county into the top ranks of U.S. counties ...
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla ... PHOTOS: A 16th-century Spanish explorer claimed this Florida beach town. Now it’s a remote work hotspot Only counties with a heavy presence of tech, finance and ...
New figures have shown several people are flocking from busy U.S. cities to relocate to the country's oldest city - St.