Dot Bardarson, a well-known Alaska artist from Seward, has won many awards and commissions for her work and has long served as an arts advocate. Among her honors are the 2019 Alaska Governor’s ...
There was a time when Clerics would only serve as healers in a party, but today they're one of the most diverse classes in D&D 5e and are just as effective as damage dealers or defenders.
One subclass, however, has been suspiciously absent from online conversations: the College of the Moon Bard ... It doesn’t help that Tale of Mirth is almost identical to the Eloquence Bard’s ...
Carol Boeck, the driver responsible for the deaths of two Bard College students in a 2014 hit-and-run crash, will be released this month after spending nearly 10 years in state prison, according ...
Sometimes in Dungeons and Dragons, the fundamental gaminess of it all – stats, mechanics, and objectives – blind us to fantasy’s in-built capacity for entertaining nonsense. Sure, having a plus one ...