While melanistic tigers were first reported in 1975, their distinct breed was only confirmed in 1993 after a tiger was found killed. This marks the second known killing of such a rare tiger.
I n the first instance of killing of a rare melanistic tiger, the Odisha Forest authorities, on Wednesday, arrested four wildlife offenders and seized the skin of a slain big cat in Similipal ...
Discover Odisha's rich biodiversity with Simlipal's black tigers, Gahirmatha's Olive Ridley turtles & Chilika's Irrawaddy ...
Etchart and J. Weaver. "The Rarest of Rare"A melanistic (black hair) mule deer fawn was spotted by TPWD District 1 Biologists while conducting wildlife surveys in the Trans-Pecos. Melanism is a ...
it was what they called “the rarest of rare” animals. What the Texas Parks and Wildlife—Trans-Pecos Wildlife District spotted from a helicopter and captured in video was a melanistic (black ...