Too often, the positive effects of peer pressure get swept under the carpet while the negative influences are exaggerated. Part of the problem is that when good things happen, such as achieving ...
These are the days flooded with awareness programmes geared towards motivating the community, especially youth and teenagers, ...
Our teen years are often when we feel most vulnerable and unsure of ourselves, and the desire to fit in and be accepted can make us give in to peer pressure. Dr Andrew Adler, a licensed ...
That is, peer pressure prompts students to justify their ... manifesting in two main ways: distorted consequences, and dehumanization of the victim. That is, either the aggressors tend to downplay ...
Sometimes peer pressure can be more of an intentional ... are small and trivial whilst others have much more significant consequences. If these decisions end up shaping who a person becomes ...
When it comes to vaping, it's important to know that there are risks involved, and that the long-term effects ... feel pressure from people to give it a go. This is what's known as peer pressure.